
Tuesday, April 5, 2011


We have been talking for several months about the renewal of the Liturgy, specifically the changes brought about by the new translation of the new Roman Missal. We have decided to expand this renewal to include not just new words, but new thoughts and actions. We would like to have a renewal that brings more understanding, respect, and reverence towards the Eucharist. I will be using the parish newsletter as a forum to address these topics in the future, which will include such topics as talking in the church, children and the Eucharist, a theology of the Eucharist, and any other topics I think needs to be addressed.

Today, I would like to talk about two topics: cell phones in church, and bathroom usage during Mass.

Cell Phones

Please make sure you either turn your cell phones (and other electronic devices) off or turn them to vibrate prior to entering the Church. If you don’t really need the phone (which most people don’t), then maybe you should just leave them at home. If you are on call, such as someone in the medical field, then you do need to have a cell phone, then it should be on vibrate. One Saturday evening Mass, I heard 4 cells phone ringing at different times at Mass. This is very distracting to other people, and it is disruptive of prayer. Why do we need to be in constant contact? The answer is, we don’t. Please be courteous to other people and turn off your phones.

Bathroom Usage

In recent months, we have begun to see a parade of people, mostly children, but also a few adults, going to the bathroom during Mass. Unfortunately, the bathroom is in an awkward spot. If it were in the rear of the Church, it wouldn’t be as much of a problem. I have looked into moving the bathroom, and it is in excess of $10,000.00. This is not the answer.

I can’t tell you how many people have complained to me about the number of people who walk by the sanctuary area to get to the bathroom whenever they feel like it, whether it is during the gospel, the homily or even during the consecration (don’t people know what is going on?).

It seems to me that there could be a lack of understanding or even a lack of respect for what we are doing at Mass. I have seen the same kids walk to the bathroom 2 or 3 times during one mass. They are not going to the bathroom, but going for a walk. At one Saturday evening mass, I came in the side door by the pulpit for the announcements, and a couple of kids were sitting in the chairs in that little hallway, and they were talking. I asked them what they were doing, and they said they were going to the bathroom. At that moment, another kid came in and went by us and into the bathroom. I told them to go back to their pews.

These types of actions are very disruptive to me when I am celebrating Mass. It is hard to focus on what I am doing or saying when I am distracted by a parade of bathroom goers. It is easy to lose my train of thought during a homily or my place in the Eucharistic prayer when people are walking around the church. These things are not acceptable. It is disrespectful to the Lord when we can’t sit there for 45 minutes and pray with the priest and the others at Mass. I have received many complaints from people who feel the same way. As part of our liturgical renewal, we need to change these practices.

Last weekend, when the bathroom door was locked by accident, we didn’t have a problem; there were no catastrophes. I thought the Masses were much more dignified and respectful when people stayed in their pews. It was a much improved worship experience.

From now on, the bathroom door will be locked during Mass. Please make sure you take care of your needs before you come to church. I don’t think this is too much to ask. We will leave Halloran Hall open for those who absolutely must use a bathroom. Please exit out the front doors.


After our cell phones are quieted, and after we get used to the bathroom doors being locked and bathroom parade no longer happens, I think you will agree with me that we will experience a much more dignified and respectful Mass, a much better opportunity to grow in the love and peace of the Lord.

I will be writing to you in the future concerning other topics that will enhance our prayer experience at Mass.

God bless you and thank you for all you do to make our parish the best!

Fr Phil

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